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How good is the performance of silicone leather? Xilu Silicone Leather will tell you the answer

Xilu Silicone Leather Product Introduction: As an emerging eco-friendly synthetic material, silicone leather is gradually emerging in various fields. Its unique properties, such as high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, UV resistance and good breath ability, have made silicone leather widely recognized in a short period of time. Today, Xilu Silicone Leather will take you to learn about the silicone leather series.


Super soft series: This series of silicone leather has excellent flexibility and comfort, and is suitable for making high-end sofas, car seats and other products with high touch requirements. Its delicate texture and high durability make the super soft series of silicone leather an ideal choice for high-end furniture and car interiors.



Wear-resistant series: This series of silicone leather has excellent wear resistance and can withstand frequent use and friction. It is widely used in products such as shoes, bags, tents, etc. that need to withstand greater pressure. Its excellent durability provides users with a long-lasting service life.


Flame retardant series: This series of silicone leather has excellent flame retardant properties and can effectively prevent the spread of fire. It is suitable for places with high fire protection requirements, such as aircraft interiors, high-speed rail seats, etc. Its fire resistance provides a strong guarantee for people's life safety.


Anti-UV series: This series of silicone leather has excellent anti-UV performance and can effectively resist the erosion of ultraviolet rays. It is suitable for outdoor products, such as parasols, outdoor furniture, etc., providing products with a long service life and good sun protection effect.


Antibacterial and mildew-proof series: This series of silicone leather has excellent antibacterial and mildew-proof properties, which can effectively inhibit bacterial growth and prevent mold growth. It is suitable for medical, sanitation and food processing and other fields, providing a strong guarantee for people's health.

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